Gummy Smile Correction

Gummy Smile Correction

Do you feel self-conscious about your gummy smile? If you feel like your gums are too prominent when you smile, you may be interested in gummy smile correction using Botox. This non-surgical cosmetic treatment can help reduce the appearance of a gummy smile, and give you the confidence to smile without worry.

Gummy smile correction with Botox involves injecting the botulinum toxin into the muscles responsible for lifting your upper lip. By relaxing these muscles, your upper lip will be less likely to rise too high and expose your gums when you smile. The result is a more balanced, natural-looking smile that you can feel confident showing off.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the treatment take?
Is the treatment painful?
How long do the results last?
Are there any side effects?
How soon can I see results?
How many treatments are needed?
Can Botox be used in combination with other treatments?
Is there any downtime?
Is gummy smile correction with Botox safe?
Who is a good candidate for gummy smile correction with Botox?